Examining effect of adding more components

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import tensorly as tl

import matcouply.decomposition as decomposition
from matcouply.coupled_matrices import CoupledMatrixFactorization


I, J, K = 5, 10, 15
rank = 4
noise_level = 0.1
rng = np.random.default_rng(0)

def truncated_normal(size):
    x = rng.standard_normal(size=size)
    x[x < 0] = 0
    return tl.tensor(x)

def normalize(x):
    return x / tl.sqrt(tl.sum(x**2, axis=0, keepdims=True))

Generate simulated PARFAC2 factor matrices where the true number of components (rank) is known

A = rng.uniform(size=(I, rank)) + 0.1  # Add 0.1 to ensure that there is signal for all components for all slices
A = tl.tensor(A)

B_blueprint = truncated_normal(size=(J, rank))
B_is = [np.roll(B_blueprint, i, axis=0) for i in range(I)]
B_is = [tl.tensor(B_i) for B_i in B_is]

C = rng.standard_normal(size=(K, rank))
C = tl.tensor(C)

cmf = CoupledMatrixFactorization((None, (A, B_is, C)))

Create data marices from the decomposition and add noise

matrices = cmf.to_matrices()
noise = [tl.tensor(rng.uniform(size=M.shape)) for M in matrices]
noisy_matrices = [M + N * noise_level * tl.norm(M) / tl.norm(N) for M, N in zip(matrices, noise)]

Fit PARAFAC2 models with different number of components to the noisy data

fit_scores = []
B_gaps = []
A_gaps = []
for num_components in range(2, 7):
    print(num_components, "components")
    lowest_error = float("inf")
    for init in range(3):  # Here we just do three initialisations, for complex data, you may want to do more
        cmf, diagnostics = decomposition.parafac2_aoadmm(
            non_negative=[True, False, False],
        if diagnostics.regularized_loss[-1] < lowest_error:
            selected_cmf = cmf
            selected_diagnostics = diagnostics
            lowest_error = diagnostics.regularized_loss[-1]

    fit_score = 1 - lowest_error
2 components
3 components
4 components
5 components
6 components

Create scree plots of fit score and feasability gaps for different number of components

fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 1, tight_layout=True, sharex=True)
axes[0].set_title("Fit score")
axes[0].plot(range(2, 7), fit_scores)
axes[1].set_title("Feasibility gap for A  (NN constraint)")
axes[1].plot(range(2, 7), A_gaps)
axes[2].set_title("Feasibility gap for B_is (PF2 constraint)")
axes[2].plot(range(2, 7), B_gaps)
axes[2].set_xlabel("No. components")
axes[2].set_xticks(range(2, 7))
Fit score, Feasibility gap for A  (NN constraint), Feasibility gap for B_is (PF2 constraint)

The top plot above shows that adding more components improves the fit in the beginning, but then the improvement lessens as we reach the “true” number of components. We know that the correct number of components is four for this simulated data, but if you work with a real dataset, you don’t always know the “true” number. So then, examining such a plot can help you choose an appropriate number of components. The slope of the line plot decreases gradually, so it can be challenging to precisely determine the correct number of components, but you can make out that 4 and 5 are good candidates. For real data, the line plot might be even more challenging to read, and you may find several candidates that you should then examine further. Note that the fit score is just one metric and will not give you the entire picture, so you should also examine other metrics and, most importantly, look at what makes sense for your data when choosing a suitable model.

Another important metric to consider when evaluating your models is the feasibility gap. If the feasibility gap is too large, then the model doesn’t satisfy the constraints. Here, we see that the A-matrix was completely non-negative for all models, while there was a slight feasibility gap for the B_i-matrices. This means that the B_i-matrices only approximately satisfied the PARAFAC2 constraint (and this will often be the case). The four-component model had the lowest feasibility gap, so it was the model that best followed the PARAFAC2 constraint. This could be a clue that four is an appropriate number of components. Still, we see that the feasibility gap was on the order of \(10^{-5}\) for all of the models, which means that the approximation is very good for all of them.

Total running time of the script: (1 minutes 7.101 seconds)

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